Friday, June 12, 2009

And so the semester ends....


Maka dengan ini tamatlah pengajian perubatan saya untuk tahun ini...

Had my long case clinical exam last Monday.Dapat COAD case.Malangnye patient was rather a poor historian.History was rather here and there.Rasa nk menangis pun ade masa clerking.However, I still managed to get good differential diagnosis in the end.Differential diagnosis sangat penting because without them we cannot suggest relevant investigations to the examiner which carries 20 marks in exam.Discussion part was okay except kantoi sket bila ditanya pasal 'What do you know about H1N1 epidemic?Like need to know how many positive cases so far, mortality rate etc'Nampak sgt tak tekun membaca newspaper...

Theory paper was today.The questions looked easy but actually tricky.Quite frustrated with the Single best answer section.SAQ and EMQ were okay I guess.I seriuosly cannot forget my pre clinical basics because they will still ask them in clinical exams.Like how am I supposed to remember the name of the stain used for Cryptococcus neoformans.The answer is Indian stain by the way....

Went to help my juniors with revision later in the evening.They are about to sit for their first paper tomorrow.Professional exam babe...jgn main-main punya exam.An exam that will determine them whether they are fit,worthy and most importantly safe competent medical students to roam the wards.Good luck guys.

Its 2am,just got back frm 'lepaking' with my old friends around KL.Its good to update myself with their latest gossips hahaha.just kidding

Okla.1 month holiday.Any suggestions on how to spend the holiday?

p/s: Finally Ronaldo is leaving Old Trafford for Bernabeu at a whooping price tag of 80million pound sterling.A warm goodbye to Ronaldo-he's been a good servant , and all parties got what they wanted.Let's leave it at that.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Air mata

Dear blog, u know what....I have a confession to make.I cried this week!

It happened 2 days ago during bedside teaching with prof.I had a patient who had stroke 2 days ago.She is a 43 yr old Indonesian lady, came to Malaysia about 6 months ago utk mencari rezeki yg halal,workin as babysitter.But she developed stroke and now is paralyzed on her right side.Everything went ok, but soon after I performed neuroligical examination of the lower limb on her in front of prof and my colleagues, she suddenly grab my prof's arm and start to say things like, 'Tuan dokter, tolong obati saya.Saya tak mahu jadi begini.Tolong.Tolong.Tolongg..." Allah...dats when my lacrimal gland starts to produce tears.Ok.I was like wtf, stop crying silly!(umm..I was saying silly to myself n not to d patient)Anyway,its not like tears running down the cheek.Its more like 'air mata bergenang-genang di kelopak mata"I can see that my colleagues are experiencing the same thing.We tahan.Try to look professional.But again, we are also human beings and the emotion sort of transcends right into our hearts.
Similar things happened towards another patient.It occurs the same day.She is a middle-aged Malay lady, came in with intermittent vertigo(dizziness).It was rather an interesting case because she had cerebellar signs such as nystagmus, intentional tremor,ataxia,dysdiadochokinesis etc. Again, after Hanan performed physical examination to elicit cereballar signs on her, she started to say ," Tuan dokter, ni can... can... cancer ker?"...and she started crying.I really admire the way how prof handled and tackled these emotional moments.He motivates patient.He tell them to think positive and be optimistic.By the way, we dont think its cancer because the history does not suggest that it is.Moreover, the cerebellar signs are not vivid.Even if it is a CP(Cerebello-pontine) angle tumour, the ENT surgeon can easily remove them.
It break our hearts to be in this situation.Its hard to be optimistic when you know that the disease such as stroke do not have a good prognosis.There is nothing much we can offer!Once kena stroke, poof... its hard to predict.The only thing to do is to motivate patient,telling them that they cannot lose hope.Patient come to us because they trust us.They hope that, with the help of Allah and to our utmost capabilities ....we can cure them.Ok.This is dilemma right there.I better stop now.Nak pegi dinner......

p/s: My long case clinical exam for internal medicine is on this Monday(3 hari lagi!)at 2.30pm.Doakan ye.... =)