Thursday, April 23, 2009

Internal Mad-icine

There are so many things that I want to share regarding my experience in the medical ward so far.There are so many things that I have learnt.So many signs and symptoms that I saw and has intrigued me to do better in this field.So many interesting cases!!!!

Ward round
I particularly love ward round.The specialists is super nice, Dr Nurain.She frequently asked questions to the HOs and also medical students.Many HOs have forgotten their basic knowledge.I DO NOT WANT to become that kind of HOs.Its a pain in the a** to forgot basic things and at the end of the day you will screw yourself becoz u need to do some serious revision for something that u knew before.God, please please prevent me from being dyslexic and receptive aphasia.

History taking and physical examination
I managed to shortened the time taken for history taking and doing physical examination.It is important to try to time yourself.This is a good training becoz as an HO later, I need to work efficiently.Anyway, this should not compromise patient's satisfaction towards the level of care and attention that we are giving to them

Case presentation
I am more able to organize my presentation.Presentation should be sweet and simple and interesting at the same time, without compromising the important details.I am still working on my 'negative relevants'.I still need to elaborate more on my chief complaint.Need at least 10 points before moving to associated symptoms!

Formulating diagnosis
This is particularly a challenging part but interesting at the same time.We were taught on how to think systematically

Interesting case of the day

1.Mr Y, 56 yo, chronic alcoholism.Admitted yesterday for SOB.On PE, hepatomegaly.He had signs of right ventricular failure secondary to dilated cardiomyopathy

2. Mr T, 49,Central chest pain which lasts for 5 hours, occured 2 days prior to admission.ECG done had ST elevated MI with elevated cardiac enzymes

3.Mrs R, 60 yo, came in with diabetic ulcers secondary to chronic venous insufficiency

Ada byk lagi malas nk tulis...

Quiz of the day.
Question 1.Give me 5 predisposing factors for the development of diabetic foot ulcers
Question 2.Types of myocardial infarction (anterior,lateral and inferior),its respective coronary vessels involvement and from which ECG leads that we can see them from.

Answer:In next post!

Note: I need to pack my stuff now.We are having 3 days and 2 nights of program Bakti Siswa in Batu Pahat over this weekend.Program anak angkat and medical check-up stuff.Sigh, I am already tired with this type of programme...............................they should allow us to sleep more at home during the weekend.


Dr^Waqipedia said...

keep it up bro...Im and paeds are related somehow, wanna keep learning IM through ur blogs

Husna said...

u shldnt be tired wit those kindof programme cause it'll be apart of u ur whole life. stay passionate, thats the whole point. yes, we do come to a point wher we think we just want to not think of medical-related activities, but reality is we just cant. this is our niche, dun let urself be jst like any of the other med students out there who only know the bookstuff without the human soft touch. trust me, u'll learn even more tho only doing a simple medical check up cause in 3rd year u can relate even more!