Friday, January 23, 2009

Baby bengkak

(Apela punye title)

Anyway, hari ni ade case Intrauterine death -Hydrops fetalis.The first pregnancy ada hydrops fetalis.This time the second pregnancy pun ade hydrops fetalis.I wonder whether her Obstetrician have identified the cause.My best bet: She must be a Thalassaemia trait while her husband is also a Thalassaemia trait.So that wud make the baby Thalassamia major.However, there are many causes of hydrops fetalis which I will not deal here.I did not clerk her case so I dont know her story.

Dah la nak tido.Penat + mengantuk.Besok pagi pukul 7.50am dah kena ada kat seminar room for morning pass over...sigh...

Note 1: Pic above:Thats me assisting Dr Dahlia.We were doing Caeserean section on a lady.It was a GDM (Gestational Diabetes Mellitus) mother with macrosomic baby, 4.1kg



Sarah Mohd Shukor said...

I had a counseling with my doc regarding this situation back in Msia. Thus, I've been suggested to carefully look for a husband: don't get one with Thalassemia trait. U got what I mean, right?

Ummu Afeera said...

baguslah blog bleh bt revision terus...

N a b i L said...

Memang di Malaysia kita digalakkan utk buat Thal screening b4 kawin

Anonymous said...

hi nabil... i'm fascinated with your blog... being a medical practitioner myself, i agree with most of your opinions.
you did mention a lot about dr dahlia.. oh my gosh, she's in serdang pursuing O&G? i bet she had been very nice to you, or as general to everybody...
i didnt know her very much, but we once met in cairo... she was a little girl at that time, her parents were my lecturers, the sweethearts to the students and i'm sure dahlia inherits that...
plz send warmest regards to her... she might not knowing me, but i knew the family... wonders what her parents are doing after retirement...